Realidad Virtual

La tecnología del futuro ya está disponible para ayudar física y mentalmente a las personas.
Xplo3D provee diversos servicios virtuales.

Recorridos Virtuales

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Fotos Aéreas Dron

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer adipiscing erat eget risus sollicitudin pellentesque et non erat. Maecenas nibh dolor, malesuada et bibendum a, sagittis accumsan ipsum.

Marketing Digital

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer adipiscing erat eget risus sollicitudin pellentesque et non erat. Maecenas nibh dolor, malesuada et bibendum a, sagittis accumsan ipsum.

Why Helix Ultimate?

Helix Ultimate framework packed with tons of exciting features that increase Joomla website development dramatically.

Helix Ultimate is a 100% responsive mobile first Joomla template framework focused on frontend visual layout builder and options panel.

Servicios Virtuales

This template framework has predefined features and options that you can use for faster template development.
It is extremely simple and ready to use just after the installation.
Turismo Virtual

Turismo Virtual

Fotografiamos tu hotel o restoran de Turismo en 360º, se sube a Internet y se puede visitar virtualmente.

Google and System Fonts

All system and Google fonts have been added to Helix Ultimate Framework.
Foto Aéreas Dron

Foto Aéreas Dron

Fotografías de alta calidad, tomadas desde el aire para mostrar el terreno completo de tu propiedad

Extended Blog Options

Ability to add featured image, gallery, video and audio to your Joomla article.
Experiencias en 3D

Experiencias en 3D

Struggling is over with the backend because you can do everything from the frontend.

Highly Customizable

Change Logo, height of the header and colors of all elements visually.

Easy to use and customize

Helix Ultimate framework has been designed for all kinds of users from novice to expert. If you are a template developer who knows how Joomla template works then you can start your development with Helix Ultimate framework right now.

And, you can deliver a finished project to your client or customer and later you can make required changes to their website easily.
I was eagerly waiting for the final release of Helix Ultimate since the day I heard it is packed up with so many features that I need. I started using Helix Ultimate on the very first day of its release. It is wonderful and exactly the way I expected. I love the new admin interface. Using Bootstrap 4 is the most striking thing Helix Ultimate has for me. Thanks JoomShaper.

Nuestra Misión

Nuestra misión en XPLO3D, es desarrollar aplicaciones de Realidad Virtual y Realidad Aumentada, que permitan, a cualquier persona, experimentar el mundo de diversas formas, lo que puede mejorar la salud mental, física y emocional.